
这是一个择优录取的项目. 您必须符合以下所有要求才有资格.

选择性录取项目不符合资格 60+减免学费.


在这些会议期间提供的信息现在可在网上获得 http://blogs.kangbo2008.com/aclaussen/.

如果你有一般性问题, 请进入我们的主页. 如果你想和护理顾问谈谈,请联系 Counseling.

To successfully progress through the nursing curriculum and function as a practicing nurse upon graduation, 你必须能够进行某些身体和精神活动.

The following list is based largely upon the Functional Ability Categories and Representative Activities/Attributes as provided in Appendix A by the 国家护理委员会全国委员会 Inc.


你的批判性思维能力必须足以进行临床判断, including sufficient intellectual functioning and emotional stability to plan and implement care for clients, 以及辨别因果关系的批判性思维, 为他人计划/控制活动, 综合知识和技能, 序列信息.


Your analytical thinking skills must be sufficient to transfer knowledge from one situation to another, 处理信息, 评估结果, problem solve, 优先级的任务, 使用长期和短期记忆.


候选人的技能必须足以与个人互动, 来自各种社会的家庭和团体, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds; negotiate interpersonal conflict; respect differences in clients; and establish rapport with clients and co-workers.


你必须能够建立治疗的界限, 为客户提供情感支持, 适应不断变化的环境/压力, 处理突发事件, 专注于任务, 监控自己的情绪, 同时履行多项职责, 并处理强烈的情绪.g., grief).


你必须能够在有限的空间内活动, 坐着或站着,保持平衡, 手伸到肩膀以上(e).g.(IV极),并到达腰部以下(e.g.,将电器插入墙上的插座).




You must have the ability to remain at client’s side during surgical or therapeutic procedure, 保持重复动作(例如.g.(如心肺复苏术),并保持身体耐受(如心肺复苏术).g.,整班工作).


你必须有能力推拉25磅的重物.g.支撑25磅的重量(例如.g.(走动病人),举起25磅(5公斤).g.(抱孩子,转移病人),移动重量不超过10磅的轻物体(如.g., IV poles), 搬运11 - 50磅重的重物,经常搬运25磅重的重物, 但有时可能会超过这些限制. You should have sufficient motor functions to be able to execute movements required to provide general care and treatment to patients in all health care settings. You are required to have the motor skills necessary for assessment and therapeutic procedures such as palpation, percussion, auscultation, 以及其他诊断操作和程序. 这些动作需要粗大肌肉和精细肌肉的协调, 触觉的平衡和功能使用, 视觉和听觉. 你必须能够进行基本的生命支持(包括心肺复苏术), 转移和安置病人, 在病人身边重新定位. You must also be able to operate equipment typically found in the health care environment (eg.,静脉泵,心脏监护仪,电动和手动血压设备,电动床).


You must be able to acquire information presented through demonstration and experience in the basic and nursing sciences. You must be able to observe and appreciate non-verbal communication when performing nursing assessment and intervention or administering medication. You must be capable of perceiving the signs of disease and infection and images of the body surfaces, 各种器官和组织的明显变化, 以及听觉信息(如.g.(病人的声音、心音、肠音和肺音).




你必须能够测量、计算、推理、分析、整合和综合信息. 你必须能够快速阅读和理解大量的书面材料. You must also be able to evaluate and apply information and engage in critical thinking in the classroom, 实验室和临床环境. 你必须能够阅读和理解写作(流程表)的专栏, charts), 数字显示, 图形打印输出(例如.g.图(e.g.,生命体征表)和测量标记(e.g.、卷尺、秤等.); calibrate equipment, convert numbers to and/or from the metric system, tell time, measure time (e.g.计算宫缩持续时间等.),计数率(e.g.,滴/分钟,脉冲),使用测量工具(如.g.(如温度计),加,减,乘和/或除整数,计算分数(如温度计).g., 药物剂量), 使用计算器, 在记录中写入数字, 并进行代数方程计算用药剂量.


你必须有能力与其他学生进行有效而敏感的沟通, faculty, staff, patients, 家庭和其他专业人士. You must be able to express ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback. You must be able to convey or exchange information at a level allowing development of a health history, 识别出现的问题, 在治疗期间和治疗后,解释替代解决方案并给出指导. 你必须能够用英语进行有效的口头交流, 书面及电子表格, 并从文献中检索信息, 电脑化资料库及讲座. You must be able to process and communicate information on the patient’s status with accuracy in a timely manner to members of the health care team. The appropriate communication may also rely on the candidate’s ability to make a correct judgment, 及时寻求监督和咨询.


你必须具备道德推理的能力,并以道德的方式进行护理. 你必须愿意学习并遵守专业的实践标准. You must have compassion, empathy, altruism, integrity, honesty, responsibility and tolerance. You must be able to engage in patient care delivery in all settings and be able to deliver care to all patient populations, 包括但不限于儿童, adolescents, adults, 残疾人士, 医学上有问题的病人, 脆弱的成年人.


堪萨斯州CNA认证必须完成并列出在 堪萨斯州护士助理登记处 网站在二月前. 申请截止日期. 为了被列在堪萨斯护士助理登记处,课程必须完成 and 必须参加并通过国家考试. The program director waiver may be granted for active CMA or HHA certifications; email CMA/HHA to lshank@kangbo2008.com (如适用).

如果你在其他州有CNA证书, please contact the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services in Topeka at 785-296-6877 or 785-296-0061 as soon as possible for information on challenging the Kansas CNA certification test. 认证考试必须在申请截止日期之前进行. 需要认证测试注册证明.

这一要求没有例外. 先前的健康背景或经验不满足此要求.

CNA classes are offered through 365bet体育亚洲官方入口 at the Olathe Health Education Center; other locations offering CNA training are 列在堪萨斯州老年和残疾服务部的名单上 website. 365bet体育亚洲官方入口课程为AVHO 102, 5学分. 培训不需要在365bet体育亚洲官方入口完成. Any credit hours earned for CNA do NOT count toward the 12 required general education credits required for application.

必须完成人体解剖学和生理学,BIOL 144(或BIOL 140和BIOL 225) before 申请护理专业. BIOL 144(或BIOL 140和BIOL 225) must 须于二月六日后的五年内完成. 申请截止日期. C或以上的成绩必须在期末前公布 spring 2024 学习英语121,数学171和PSYC 130,开始2024年秋季注册护士课程.

Course name Credit
BIOL 144 人体解剖学与生理学 5
PSYC 130 心理学概论 3
ENGL 121 Composition I 3
MATH 171 大学代数 (or higher) 3

请参阅365bet体育亚洲官方入口目录 课程安排示例和通识教育选修课链接.

Prior learning credit (such as AP test scores) with a grade of “P” can meet the requirement but would not count in GPA.

如果一个类被视为及格/不及格,它会 not 被视为符合要求,不计入GPA.

Please see a 365bet体育亚洲官方入口 counselor 如果你有问题.

护理专业的GPA必须达到3分.0 or Higher

  • The GPA is calculated only on coursework required for the program that has been completed by the application deadline. 请带着 365bet体育亚洲官方入口医疗顾问 如果你对你的课程GPA有疑问.
  • C以下的成绩不被接受,但会被用来计算你的课程GPA.
  • 申请人必须填写BIOL 144(或 BIOL 140 AND BIOL 225) 申请截止日期为2月1日.
  • 你必须至少修满12个大学学分, 成绩在C或C以上, 申请注册护士计划.
  • 学生通过之前的学习获得的大学学分,由学校指定 测试服务,必须在2月10日之前张贴在365bet体育亚洲官方入口成绩单上. 1 deadline. These credits will be acknowledged as fulfilling the nursing requirements; however, 它们不会被计算在入学GPA中.
  • ATI tea的日期必须在申请截止日期的3年内有效. 
  • 只接受来自ATI TEAS的正式分数. 要求将您的成绩发送到365bet体育亚洲官方入口测试.
  • 参加ATI tea考试时,请输入您的365bet体育亚洲官方入口 ID号. Email tleland@kangbo2008.com after testing.
  • ATI考试可以在以下地点进行:
  • 根据地点不同,费用从115美元到147美元不等.
  • 成绩报告:考试成绩最多需要72小时才能进入您的ATI帐户. 成绩报告上的日期将反映考试发布到您的ATI帐户的日期.
  • 免费学习资源, 查看ATI的Facebook页面,了解实时的tea准备活动, 以及之前录制的视频, 以及ATI学生博客的练习题, tea小贴士及更多.
  • ATI tea考试由170个四选项多项选择题组成.
  • 所有4部分-阅读,数学,科学和英语 & 考试的语言运用是必需的.
  • 最低总分66%是必需的.
测试信息 Reading Math Science English &
Language Usage
# of Questions 53 36 53 28
Time Limit 64 minutes 54 minutes 63 minutes 28 minutes
涵盖的具体内容 • Key ideas & details
•知识整合 & ideas
• Numbers & algebra
•Measurement & data
•人体解剖学 & physiology



要从另一所大学转学,请将正式成绩单寄至 jcccadmissions@kangbo2008.com 申请截止日期前.


How to Apply


Prospective RN students who have not attended 365bet体育亚洲官方入口 before (or if it has been more than two years since you last attended) must complete a 365bet体育亚洲官方入口 application for admission. The application is the first step in the enrollment process; select Non-Degree Seeking or Liberal Arts for your major.

收到365bet体育亚洲官方入口 ID号后,按照以下步骤操作. 处理您的申请可能需要5个工作日. 请给特蕾莎·利兰发邮件 tleland@kangbo2008.com 如果您在公布的截止日期前10天内申请该计划.


申请2024年秋季RN和2024年夏季LPN的截止日期为2月5日. 1, 2024.

Note: You will receive an email to check your Personal Admission Plan after your application has been processed. 联系特蕾莎·利兰, tleland@kangbo2008.com, if you do not have an RN Personal Admission Plan within 10 days of submitting your application.

如果您已经完成了ATI tea测试,请转到 www.atitesting.com 并索取你的ATI考试成绩(Note:可能需要收费.). ATI的成绩必须在2月6日之前提交. 1, 2024.

Residency points are awarded to those who have submitted proof of residency in Johnson County or another county in Kansas. 居住是选择过程中使用的标准之一, 占面试前排名和最终排名的10%. 

在提交之前,请在证明上突出您的姓名,地址和日期. 证明必须在申请截止日期前六个月提交. 接受证明示例:驾驶执照, 租赁协议(只发送第一页), 或者效用声明. 联系特蕾莎·利兰, tleland@kangbo2008.com,如果你有问题.


作为CNA的工作经历, PCT, HHA或LPN是选择过程中使用的标准之一, 占最终排名的20%. 

没有必要要求365bet体育亚洲官方入口成绩单或365bet体育亚洲官方入口已经存档的成绩单. 如果你是转学生, 请访问365bet体育亚洲官方入口顾问,以确认您的课程可转学性.

See our 记录页面 有关提交其他学校正式成绩单的说明.

Your Personal Admission Checklist will be updated periodically as the Admissions office processes application materials. Access your Personal Admission Checklist and your 365bet体育亚洲官方入口 email account through your My365bet体育亚洲官方入口 account. 联系特蕾莎·利兰, tleland@kangbo2008.com,如果你有问题.


Special considerations apply for applicants who are educated in countries other than the United States.

This program requires international and immigrant applicants to demonstrate language proficiency.

一旦你提交了申请, 看看学生是如何排名和选择的.

该计划需要实习,实习,临床部分或州/委员会许可. The institutions that host internships/practicums/clinicals may require applicants to provide a Social Security number or show proof of having a Social Security card. 更多信息请咨询项目主席.